work description
The new tramway along viale Palmiro Togliatti, financed with PNRR funds, is a fundamental system to connect the tram network with the underground network (lines A, B and C) and the railway network (line FL2). The new tramway, in fact, connects the Ponte Mammolo underground station (line B) with the Subaugusta station (line A), running along the entire length of Viale Palmiro Togliatti, interchanging with the new line C at the Centocelle junction and with the FL2 regional railway line at the height of the railway overpass viaduct (Palmiro Togliatti stop). The route will be 8 km long with 19 stops plus the two terminuses. The design concerns the road system, logistics, bus stops and terminuses, and the technological network (overhead line, electrical network, traffic light preference, telecommunication network). The RTP will develop the Executive Design and Artelia will also be involved in the Project Management.
Services provided:
- Detailed Design
- Project Management